First Pres Maumee’s goal is to ensure that every child in Maumee City Schools has the opportunity to play a musical instrument. We work closely with music teachers Eric Boswell and Wasim Hawary to provide instruments for both the band and the orchestra. Used and refurbished instruments have been donated to students who are not able to afford the rental of an instrument, allowing them to join the band or orchestra. If you have an instrument you would like to donate, please contact our music director, Kristen Woodard-kwoodard@firstpresmaumee.org
Love and Luggage was started by Sarah and Jim Otis out of their own experiences with adopting their daughter at 9 years old. This organization supports young men and women who have emancipated from the foster care system and are at risk, with very little emotional or financial support to begin their adult life well. Love and Luggage provides students leaving the foster care system luggage filled with hygiene and household items, a Visa gift card, Bible, and other recommendations of resources for support. Love and Luggage also provides bi-monthly opportunities for these young adults to connect with community members who can provide additional resources and encouragement. First Presbyterian Church hosts these bi-monthly dinners, houses the Love and Luggage pantry and promotes the donations for the luggage.
For more information along with a list of items needed, visit their website at https://loveandluggage.org/
Mosaic Ministries seeks to transform South Toledo through education, the power of the Gospel, and sustainable community development. The members of First Pres Maumee partner with Mosaic Ministries in many ways, including purchasing supplies, cooking and serving meals, offering scholarship funds, including children from Mosaic Ministries in our yearly VBS, and buying groceries for families at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. We also recently worked together as a congregation, engaging the community, to raise significant contributions for Mosaic Ministries and their Lodge Building Project, which is enabling them to house a school and other important outreach ministries.
Meal Service: Each month, our church members serve dinner at Mosaic Ministries. Our student ministry serves a meal quarterly on the second Sunday of the month. The adults of the church serve a meal on the first Tuesday of the other months.
You can sign up to serve at this link: https://fpm.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1060462
Baby University: We provide children’s books to parents and guardians upon graduation from the Baby University program. Every year, we hold a book drive to collect monetary and book donations to give to Baby U. They are always in need of volunteers as well.
Contact Jason Armstrong, Pastor of Discipleship and Missions, to learn more.